Friday, August 04, 2006

Oh, Euphemisms

Lisa [my coworker]: “Your accent is very different from Candida’s [my coworker from London]. Hers is very soft.

Me: “Yeah, her’s is very posh British, and mine is, well, I guess very Midwestern?”

Lisa: “American accents always sound so…"

Me: "Harsh? Aggressive? Brash? Twangy? Loud?"

Lisa: "Um... Confident. American accents sound very confident”


Anonymous said...

Cause us Americans are just so confident....

Anonymous said...

In other words, we think our s**t doesn't stink.

Anonymous said...

hahaha, is that what people are calling it these days? confident.

Anonymous said...

I think we Americans have a little inferiority complex about our accents when we're around English people--or at least I do. Maybe that explains my constantly migrating accent, and why I still refuse to say "yins guys" and "pahk your cah in Hahvahd Yahd." :)

Cynthea said...

I met someone on my travels once from Vancouver, and she thought I sounded like I was from Toronto. I think our 'midwest' accent is kinda bland and for the US, generic, like TV newscasters.

On the other hand, there are lots and lots of Midwesterners with a twangy 'hick accent.

The Boston accent is just weird... I'm glad you haven't picked it up, Jaya.

Anonymous said...

When I went to college and finally met a few people who were not from Montana there were people that said that Montanans were the first folks they had ever met who did not have an accent. Now, in Michigan, people laugh at some of my accent. A hick is a hick is a hick, even if she moves to the "confident" midwest.