Thursday, May 22, 2008

Summer Plans

Summers off? That's questionable. Somehow, half my summer has already been sucked up by professional development and planning for the upcoming year, and that's just the official stuff. I also plan on doing a lot of reading and re-reading of everything I've learned this year and all the other things I want to learn before I have my own classroom.

So somewhere in there I want to do something that's not related to teaching. I'm looking at two different options right now. The first is traveling. Obviously, it's hard for me to pass up more stamps in my passport, and the current possibilities are looking pretty amazing (Costa Rica? Cuba? Peru?). On the other hand, a two week journey to another country would leave me with very little time for doing absolutely nothing--something I desperately need. I'm fortunate to be living in a beautiful house this summer with lots of great opportunities for cooking, watching TV, sleeping, reading, and general lolling about. If I were to just stick around here, would I regret passing up the travel? Would I end up getting bored? Or if I did head south, would I have to wait another year before I had time to myself again?

With all these airlines going under, I'd better make my plan soon.


Jaya said...

Come to Boston! Come to Boston!

Geetha said...

You're really trying to sell Boston over Costa Rica, Cuba, or Peru?

Jaya said...

Okay, not really--but we have Costa Ricans, Cubans AND Peruvians here.

talda said...

i say travel! when you have the opportunity you're hard press to come up with a valid reason to pass. i don't think i've heard anyone regret taking a trip...

Anonymous said...

For goodness sake, go to Costa Rica or some place else. You can read and rest when you are old and senile. Now get out there and have fun.

Roni said...

Travel! Or am I biased...

Anonymous said...

One of the best excursions I have ever been on was going on rip-chording (if that's a verb) through the rain forest in Costa Rica. I'd highly recommend that!